
Louis W Ploch


from Virginia Beach, VA

Also known as:
  • Louis E Ploch
  • Lou W Ploch
  • Lou N Ploch
  • Louis W Plock
  • Lewis W Ploch

Louis Ploch Phones & Addresses

  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • Hamburg, NJ
  • 33 Adalist Ave, Butler, NJ 07405
  • 53 Fayson Lake Rd, Butler, NJ 07405 • 973 838-3844
  • 51 Fayson Lake Rd, Butler, NJ 07405
  • Kinnelon, NJ
  • Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

Us Patents

  • Real Time Digital Data Transmission Speed Conversion System

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  • US Patent:
    49530399, Aug 28, 1990
  • Filed:
    Jun 1, 1988
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Louis W. Ploch - Kinnelon NJ
  • International Classification:
    G11B 509
  • US Classification:
    360 32
  • Abstract:
    An improved real time digital data transmission speed conversion system is disclosed which employs a method of recording high transmission rate serial format data byte groups of given density on to a recording medium. The method includes the steps of converting each high transmission rate serial format data byte group into a corresponding low transmission rate serial data byte group in real time; and, recording the lower transmission rate serial data byte groups in real time, at a density that is higher than the given density, on a moving recording medium. The system employs apparatus which include means adapted to connect the apparatus to a source of the high transmission rate serial format data byte groups of a given density; means for converting each of the serial format data byte groups into a corresponding lower transmission rate serial data byte group in real time and at a density that is higher than the given desnity; and, means adapted to connect the apparatus to a recording device for transmitting the lower transmission rate serial format data byte groups at a higher density in real time to a moving recording medium. As another feature of the system, a recording medium is provided that has digital data stored thereon in a format that includes at least two initial synchronization character bytes, followed by one or more character bytes signifying the start of a record of an event, follopwed by one or more groups of at least one byte each of data relating to the specific event, followed by one or more character bytes signifying the end of the record of the event.


meet the farmer - ploch farms, nj

  • Duration:
    1m 31s

East St. Louis pastor arrested during his ser...

St. Clair County Sheriff reportedly asked if he could meet with them o...

  • Duration:
    2m 20s

Coventry priest charged with DUI released on ...

Jacek Ploch, a pastor accused of driving drunk and hitting a pedestria...

  • Duration:
    1m 50s

Louis Bat Flip

  • Duration:

VIDEO NOW: Pastor Charged with DUI Leaves Court

Police said Jacek Ploch, 38, hit a man while he was crossing Airport R...

  • Duration:

VIDEO NOW: Pastor Arraigned on DUI Charge

Police said Jacek Ploch, 38, allegedly hit a man while he was crossing...

  • Duration:
    1m 17s

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