Marlborough Elementary School Kansas City MO 1940-1944
Alma Overman, Byron Collier, Richard Pedigo, Evelyn Crockett, Carol West, Bill Rickey, Fielding Fromberg, Jack West, Betty Salmon, Shirley Morris, Bob Neugebauer
LIVE REPLAY - Holiday Card Series 2022 Day 25...
(No longer live) Join me live for Day 25 of the Holiday Card Series 20...
1h 29m 41s
Dave and Lois Werner
Wedding - July 20, 2012.
9m 11s
For Such a Time as This
Provided to YouTube by CDBaby For Such a Time as This Lois and India ...
3m 16s
Lois and India Rasquinha-For Such A Time As T...
Another beautiful song sung by Lois and India Rasquinha,
3m 16s
LIVE REPLAY - Gold Greetings & Mail Art Envel...
FULL SUPPLY LIST (with links!) BELOW... Subscribe for more videos: R...
1h 48m 23s
Former archivist talks about wrong dates in B...
Lois Werner, former archivist for the Brookfield Township Historical S...