When the time comes to party we will always party hard.
Bragging Rights:
Incredibly Nerdy, reads endlessly, goes hard at concerts
Laura Webb
“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest...
I'm a cool cat
Laura Webb
LB Webb Coach for People with Disabilities - Coach
Shouting and stomping, right-to-work protesters swarm state Capitol
Laura Webb of DeWitt, who retired recently as a state worker, held a sign she hoped would remind people that unions helped secure such things such as the eight-hour workday, lunches and breaks. The legislation, she said, "is just the first nail in the coffin to kill the unions."
Date: Dec 07, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Seal Beach Massacre: "I Hate You," Victim's Family Shouts at Suspect
The victims were identified as: Scott Dekraai's ex-wife Michelle Fournier, 48; Randy Fannin, 62, the salon owner; Dave Caouette, 64, was killed in his Range Rover outside the salon; and Victoria Buzzo, 54, Laura Webb, 46, Michelle Fast, 47, Lucia Bernice Kondas, 65, and Christy Wilson, 47, were kill
Relying on relatives, friends and colleagues, The Orange County Register identified others who died in the shooting as salon employee Michelle Fournier and four women killed inside the salon: Victoria Buzzo, Laura Webb, Christy Wilson and Michelle Fast.