Holbrook Elementary School Hamtramck MI 1985-1987, Cooper Elementary School Detroit MI 1987-1991, Barbour Magnet Middle School Detroit MI 1991-1992, Kosciuszko Middle School Hamtramck MI 1992-1994
Kyra Johnson says: "up early wit nothing to do ha!..." (4 weeks ago) me too! ... 0h yeah kyra yeah s0 are y0u g0ing t0 meet me half way down the bl0ck ...
Louisiana FedEx driver Kyra Johnson cowered behind a Coca-Cola machine as a tornado bore down on her on Feb. 23 yet she made it out alive. Surveillance video showed the twister destroying the hardware store around her.
Date: Mar 01, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Video: Woman nearly swept away in tornado says God saved her
Kyra Johnson, who is a FedEx driver, told KATC, that she found shelterby the machine at a hardware store. Jesus saved me. I just kept saying, God please dont let me go, and he didnt, Johnson said.