Roger Williams University 2004 - 2008
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Public Relations, Italian Studies
Social Media Public Speaking Press Releases Media Relations Event Planning Blogging Fundraising Outlook Facebook Marketing New Business Development Social Networking Nonprofits Event Management Wordpress Customer Service Social Media Marketing Public Relations Marketing Strategy Executive Coaching
Are you looking for Kristin Mercurio? MyLife is happy to assist you on the quest as we dedicate our efforts to streamline to process of finding long-lost ...
Kristin Mercurio
Kristin Mercurio
Who is Kristin D. Mercurio and what is Well F...
Well Fit Fun is a channel where Kristin D. Mercurio brings you the bes...
1m 28s
Kristin Mercurio: Project Green Search 2009
Here is the link to vote for me as Project Green Search Girl:
7m 2s
Another tough day for Dahlia at Happy Hen Hollow...
1m 45s
I Spy...
Actually, they spy me...
Have you ever seen a chicken lay an egg?
Stella (Welsummer chicken) laying her third egg ever, in front of an a...