The University of Texas at Austin 1980 - 1983
Masters, Master of Arts, Geology
University of Delaware 1975 - 1979
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Geology
Newark High School, Newark, Delaware
Environmental Science Environmental Engineering Soil Sampling Environmental Awareness Hydrology Contaminated Land Hazardous Waste Management Rcra Water Cercla Environmental Permitting Environmental Management Systems Water Resources Geochemistry Gis Arcgis Groundwater Contamination Stormwater Management
Collecting Antiques Exercise Home Improvement Shooting Reading Sports The Arts Home Decoration Gardening Outdoors Electronics Crafts Fitness Collecting Kids Diet Automobiles Travel Traveling
Montrose Elementary School Wakefield MA 1974-1977, Doyle Elementary School Wakefield MA 1977-1980, Atwell Junior High School Wakefield MA 1980-1981, Wakefield Junior High School Wakefield MA 1981-1983
Thomas Kirby, Ann Calabresi, Stephanie Moore, Karen Philbrick, Kelley Daniels, Kathryn Pike, Donna Philbrick