Ste 150-40 STE 150-407, Tucson, AZ 85755 12100 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025 12049 Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90230 12112 Rancho Vistoso Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85755
Kay Abadee President
Global Motion U S A Inc Freight Transportation Arrangement
VP Marketing at Simply Rice, VP Marketing at Growing Naturals, Director Marketing at Axiom Foods, Inc., Owner at Behind the Scenes Worldwide Logistics, Owner at Behind the Scenes Worldwide Logistics
Greater Los Angeles Area
Marketing and Advertising
Simply Rice - Greater Los Angeles Area since 2011
VP Marketing
Growing Naturals since 2009
VP Marketing
Axiom Foods, Inc. since 2008
Director Marketing
Behind the Scenes Worldwide Logistics since 2000
Behind the Scenes Worldwide Logistics - Greater Los Angeles Area since 2000
San Diego State University-California State University 1987 - 1989
BS in Business, Business Marketing
University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business 1983 - 1986
La Jolla High School 1981 - 1983
Behind the Scenes Worldwide Logistics 2000 - 2015
Co-Owner and Marketing Manager
Truxton's American Bistro 2008 - Jan 2012
Marketing Consultant
Pat & Oscar's 2004 - Jan 2012
Marketing Consultant
Bride's Night Out, Inc. 2007 - 2010
Vice President Marketing
Growing Naturals 2007 - 2010
Vice President Marketing and Co-Owner
San Diego State University 1987 - 1989
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Business, Business Marketing
University of Washington 1987
University of Washington - Michael G. Foster School of Business 1983 - 1986
La Jolla High School 1981 - 1983
Marketing Brand Development Advertising Marketing Strategy Strategic Planning Online Advertising Management Marketing Research Public Relations Marketing Management Product Marketing Social Media Social Media Marketing New Business Development Creative Direction Trade Shows Marketing Communications Copywriting Product Development Lead Generation Promotions Brand Management Integrated Marketing Market Planning Online Marketing Direct Marketing Account Management Entrepreneurship Competitive Analysis Market Research Retail B2B Strategy Business Development Food Entertainment Brand Awareness Business To Business Budgeting Packaging Corporate Branding Pricing Budgets
Social Services Followed By the Philipines and Japan Thailand My Kids Then China and Russia India and Dubai Plus Singapore In the Past Couple Years Alone We Have Voyaged Down South America Travel All Mixed Up With Various U Mexico Trips