age ~55
from Jacksonville, FL
Third year Juniors St.Teresa of Avila .. Batch 08-09 .. [Canossa Acade...
SWAG- (Students With Aspiring Goals) President : Dainielli Jamora III-...
Opera en cuatro actos de Giuseppe Verdi y libreto de Auguste Mariette ... This is a live version of my tune called "French Spac...
Giant Sack Race!!! 2nd place lang...ok lang magaling pa din! ( aishe,m...
during ran's debut.. with: maye ponce karla alag christielyn tunday al...
Direccin: James Wong. Pas: USA. Ao: 2001. Duracin: 87 min. Interpretac...
hahahaha..angkon ko, hubog ko BUT di ko BUNGOL, kabalo pako unsa inyo ...