University of Maryland Medical Center (Non-Profit; Hospital & Health Care industry): Director, Organizational Development, (April 2010-Present) University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (Non-Profit; 5001-10,000 employees; Hospital & Health Care industry): D...
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MEDICAL CENTER Baltimore, MD 2010 to Jan 2012 Director, Learning and Organizational DevelopmentUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN HOSPITAL AND CLINICS Madison, WI 2004 to 2010 Director, Learning Academy and Epic ImplementationEXPERIENCE, INC. Boston, MA 2000 to 2001 Director, Human ResourcesPIONEER INVESTMENTS Boston, MA 1997 to 2000 Director, Human ResourcesSCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION McLean, VA 1993 to 1997 Consultant
The George Washington University George, WA 1995 M.A. in Russian and East European StudiesUniversity of Wisconsin Madison, WI 1988 B.A. in German and International Relations
Change Management, Project Management, Process Improvement, Lean, Executive Coaching