Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture and Metalsmithing
Proficient with office equipment and pro... • including Word and Excel • as well as internet savvy and excellent ... • welders • grinders • and cutting equipment including most equ...
Apr 2012 to 2000 Sales ManagerTHE RITZ CARLTON New Orleans, LA 2011 to 2012 Event ConciergeSCANDINAVIA INCORPORATED Metairie, LA 2009 to 2011 Sales AssociateCASELL ART GALLERY New Orleans, LA 2007 to 2009 Gallery AssistantACE HARDWARE Highland, IL 2003 to 2007 Department Manager of Paint and Housewares
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL 2000 to 2006 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture and Metalsmithing
Proficient with office equipment and programs used in conducting day-to-day business, including Word and Excel, as well as internet savvy and excellent phone skills. Proficient with tools and general shop equipment such as saws, welders, grinders, and cutting equipment including most equipment found in a shop or studio.
Henri & Julie (Korte impressie)
Korte impressie van de trouwdag van Henri & Julie op 24 mei 2019. Film...
1m 41s
Gedenkdiens Dufnie de Korte 30 Julie 2020
Virtual memorial service of Dufnie de Korte, born 22 July 1927, passed...
1h 2m 44s
AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier
JULIE: "Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret ...
6m 37s
Even een korte video#vloggie11
4m 10s
Vandaag doe ik gewoon een korte vlog voor julie slicers KEEP SLICING.