Medical Accounting at Accounting I absolutely love enjoying my life, and making others enjoy life when around me. If you are brought to it, you can get through it! My glass is always... I absolutely love enjoying my life, and making others enjoy life when around me. If you are brought to it, you can get through it! My glass is always half-full!
Julia Amber. 21 years young. Happily commited to Nick Blankenship! 12-5-2010 Proud Mommy of 2 beautiful babies and one lil bundle of joy on the way! Carly Jade is 3 years old. She is absolutely ador...
Bragging Rights:
A wonderful, gorgeous hubby! 2 kids and one on the way. Carly Jade-3 years old, Trenton Michael-2 years old, and Cameron Braxton-29-30 weeks.
St. Aloysius High School Vicksburg MS 1982-1986, South Park Elementary School Vicksburg MS 1987-1989, Bowmar Avenue Elementary School Vicksburg MS 1989-1994, Vicksburg Junior High School Vicksburg MS 1994-1996
Donald Bell, Alan Bagby, Jennifer Sykes, Haley Parsons, Whitney Richardson