age ~78
from Freeport, NY
When they do arrive, they kill Little Ease and Sartori confronts Judith. He now seems a changed man, saying that once the dominions are reconciled Hapexamendios will turn them to a ...
Lyra is the 12th dimensional star-gate. It is the gateway to higher di...
from www.thesoundofli... In the beginning times on Earth, we understo...
Este vdeo contm alguns dos momentos vividos pela minha princesinha Gio...
More About Lyra Lyra is the 12th dimensional star-gate. It is the gate...
Dr Judy Satori has been spiritually trained and physically prepared by...
Viernes 18 y sbado 19 - 20:00 hs // La Mujer y el Cine Seleccin de cor...