School District of Osceola County FL since Aug 1998
Speech Language Pathologist
Mental Heath Association of Central Florida 1994 - 1996
Information/Referral Specialist
University of Central Florida 1991 - 1996
MA, Communicative Disorders
University of California, Los Angeles 1968 - 1970
BA, Psychology
Occidental College 1967 - 1968
none, Math, Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorders Language Disorders Speech Therapy Oral Motor Early Intervention Apraxia Dysphagia Developmental Disabilities Aphasia Articulation Interventions Speech Treatment
Gloria Delashmit (1953-1957), Andrew McDonald (1982-1986), Anthony Rosebur III (1987-1991), Christiva Joy Murdock (1959-1963), Judith Schutz (1954-1958)