2010 to 2013 Hoist Operator, Material HandlerFulfillment Specialists of America Menasha, WI 2007 to 2013Fulfillment Specialists of America
2007 to 2010 Production WorkerAmerican Pavement Solutions Green Bay, WI 2003 to 2006 LaborerRamada Plaza Hotel Green Bay, WI 2001 to 2003 Banquet Setup/Server
Fox Valley Tech Appleton, WI 2013 to 2013 enrolling for my GED/HSED
Forklift certified: Counterbalance Lift truck, Narrow Aisle Lift Truck, Motorized Hand Trucks: Ability to read and interpret work orders and bill of ladings; Certified First Responder in CPR,T-E-A-M AED, Blood-Borne Pathogens & OPIM, and Basic First-Aid; Quick learner and able to work in a fast paced enviroment; Good at problem solving
US Census Bereau Green Bay, WI Mar 2010 to Jun 2010 Census EnumeratorMill Town Cafe Green Bay, WI DishwasherRTS Distributors Green Bay, WI DemonstratorN/A Green Bay, WI Freelance Computer Repair
NWTC Green Bay, WI GED in General
HTML, CSS, experience with office software such as Microsoft Word, computer repair.
Squatting 405 for 100 Reps
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