The invention described herein shall be utilized as a self defense and/or martial arts training apparatus and training device, for the practitioner/trainee wishing to engage in the developmental stages necessary to defend against multiple attackers. Such device contains a reinforced housing and a structural platform base support or squared ring for the practitioner to stand centered upon initially. In descriptive terms for clarification purposes only, such a platform may share some minute resemblance to that of a small karate or kick boxing ring of size variation. Respectively, the north, east, west and south quadrants of the base shall include the individual deflectable opponents, which encompass and surround the practitioner on all sides, (four subjugating attackers in total). They are housed and supported individually by both vertical and horizontal stress/truss back plate bars, whose vertical truss is secured and mounted onto the platform base by a revolving/intersecting tension spring joint, which enables such opponent(s) the required resistance and flexibility of movement necessary, and the ability needed to recoil and retract in regularity, from their original point of origin, withdrawing and once again returning sequentially to their original positioning, after receiving a trauma/blunt force and/or physical strike by the practitioner. The resilient Styrofoam opponents are structurally comprised to resemble the average human torso in proportion and dimention.
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The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics
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