This time, the way that Yellen has avoided spelling out specific timing betrays the Feds lack of conviction, says Western Asset Managements John Bellows. That suggests the central bank is really just trying to keep its three remaining meetings live this year, rather than laying the groundwork to
Date: Sep 19, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Fed's Historic Liftoff and Everything After: Decision Day Guide
Theyre going to have to deal with that eventually, but not now," said John Bellows, a money manager at Pasadena, California-based Western Asset Management Co., which oversees about $450 billion in fixed-income assets. They havent reached that point."
Date: Dec 15, 2015
Source: Google
Investors turn cautious as Fed edges toward rate increases
John Bellows, a portfolio manager at Western Asset Management, said that he did not regard investors as overly complacent. He said current prices largely reflected economic conditions, and he did not think the Fed would seriously disrupt markets by modestly increasing its benchmark interest rate.
"I think the focus is on the first rate hike. They've put out guidance in terms of continuing reinvestments until probably a few quarters after the first rate hike," said John Bellows, Western Asset Management portfolio manager. "I think they've tabled the balance sheet for the moment and we're goin
"Growth in household spending declined; households' real incomes rose strongly, partly reflecting earlier declines in energy prices, and consumer sentiment remains high," the FOMC said."They are willing to look through that weakness," said John Bellows, portfolio manager at Western Asset Management.
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Category: Business
Source: Google
Fed Officials Ready for Faster Rate Increase as Data Improve
What runs through these minutes is that the FOMC iswilling to adjust policy in response to the data, and investorsneed to be able to adjust as well, John Bellows, a fundmanager who helps oversee $75 billion at Western AssetManagement Co. in Pasadena, California, said in an interview.
Date: Aug 20, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
S&P Downgrade Proves Absurd as Investors Prefer US Assets
hat the U.S. should be quadruple-A. John Bellows, then the acting assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy, said S&P made a $2 trillion mistake in its math and then changed the rationale for its decision to politics. S&P denied it made an error or altered its reasoning.
Date: Dec 19, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
Credit Rating Companies Favoring Borrowers Paying Most
hould be quadruple-A. John Bellows, acting assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy, said S&P had made a $2 trillion mistake in its math and then changed the rationale for its decision to politics instead of financial metrics. Moodys and Fitch have affirmed their AAA grades on the U