Director of Business Development at Aprisa Express, Founder at JEM Global, LLC
Miami, Florida
Package/Freight Delivery
Aprisa Express - Miami, Florida since 2009
Director of Business Development
JEM Global, LLC since 2008
University of St. Thomas (TX) 2007 - 2008
MBA, International Business Concentration
Texas A&M University 2001 - 2005
B.A. International Studies, B.A. Spanish, Minor Concentration: Business, International Business, Latin America
Cy-Fair High School
Performance Management Portuguese New Business Development Spanish IT Strategy Cultural Awareness Warehouse Management Business Relationship Management International Logistics
Languages/Translations, International Affairs & Commerce, OSHA Safety Regulations, Office Ergonomics, Public Relations
Honor & Awards:
2004 International Education Scholarship
2003 TAMU Dean's List
Jody Moore - Dad, Husband, Photographer, SendOutCards - Real Estate Photographer and SendOutCards Distributor located in Nicholasville,Ky - SendOutCards ...
Jody Moore, a spokeswoman for Kraft, said the company and academy are still working out the details of ending its three-year agreement, which would have included a website and other to-be-determined elements.
Date: Mar 31, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
Kraft Singles Is 1st Food Allowed to Display 'Kids Eat Right' Logo
In a statement to ABC News, Kraft spokeswoman Jody Moore said Kraft and Kids Eat Right will collaborate on a "nutrition education campaign" for three years "to raise awareness that the diets of Americas kids are lacking in three important components -- dairy, calcium and vitamin D."
Date: Mar 13, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
When It Comes To Day Care, Parents Want All Children Vaccinated
But residents or their guardians may not know that the drug is not needed. And they're rarely told about the serious risks, says attorney Jody Moore, who specializes in elder law. She has sued nursing homes in California for failing to get informed consent when they use antipsychotic drugs, as requiSo Levine and her attorney, Jody Moore, brought a class-action lawsuit the first of its kind against the nursing home, charging wholesale violation of informed consent. Moore is a seasoned attorney but says she was amazed at a deposition she took from one of the doctors, who said "not only do I