SolomonEdwardsGroup since Aug 2009
FDIC Project Consultant
JP Morgan Oct 2008 - Jul 2009
Fund Accountant
JP Morgan Jul 2005 - Oct 2008
Lead Risk Analyst
Placer Sierra Bank Jan 2005 - Jul 2005
Operations Supervisor
Wells Fargo Sep 2001 - Jan 2005
Operations Lead
Texas A&M University-Commerce 2006 - 2009
MBA, Management, Economics
Mount Angel College 1997 - 2001
BA, Philosophy, Literature
Operations Risk Management Fund Accounting Investigations Regulatory Compliance Retail Banking
Stock-market, Computers, Reading, New Technology, Learning, Excel Spreadsheets, Mini-tab, Voluntarism
Honor & Awards:
CFE (2010 Recipient)
jerry gets floating powers (rick and morty)
This is a description Check out our website: and Check out our Patre...
1m 7s
Rick and Morty: Jerry desperately tries to lo...
Cip taken from Rick and Morty Season 04 Episode 05 "Ratlestar Ricklact...
1m 34s
Rick falsea la llamada de Beth y Jerry [HD]
Rick and Morty Rick interviene en la llamada de Beth y Jerry Temporada...
2m 16s
Rick makes Jerry floaty - Rick and Morty
Cip taken from Rick and Morty Season 04 Episode 05 "Ratlestar Ricklact...
3m 2s
Jerry intenta presumir sus "poderes" [HD]
Rick and Morty Jerry con su inteligencia usa los zapatos que le di Ric...
Jerry gets kicked out of a Bar - Rick and Morty
MERCH IN THE DESCRIPTION Enjoying Rick & Morty? well then don't forge...