In April, the NLRBs general counsel, Jennifer Abruzzo, filed a brief asking the board to reinstate a legal doctrine called Joy Silk, which would make it significantly easier for workers in the U.S. to join unions by requiring employers to recognize and bargain with most unions if the majority of wo
Date: Jun 02, 2022
Category: Business
Source: Google
The Union-Busting Crime Wave at Starbucks and Amazon Is Getting Worse
The NLRB is more pro-worker than it has been in nearly a century, helmed by general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, who is determined to lead the board to carry out its duty of enforcing existing labor law. But it remains drastically underfunded and understaffed: the boards budget has remained the same f
Perhaps a more promising route is through the NLRB. Jennifer Abruzzo, who was confirmed by the senate as the NLRBs general counsel last year, told More Perfect Union that she wants to make it harder for employers to intimidate workers who want to unionize. Shes asking the organization to reconsid