Javier Martin (1993-1996), Juan Rojas (1987-1991), Jonathan Seijo (1993-1997), Luis Javier Rivera (1984-1988), Melissa Gonzalez (1997-2001)
Javier Martin
Wunderman - Digital Designer/ Art director (2008)
Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora - Licenciado en Publicidad, IT Master - Flash Programming AS2 AS3, DOTzero - Flash and DataBases, EducacionIT - Flash Programmins AS2, University of Cambridge - First Certificate
Déjame llevarte hacia donde voy
Javier Martin
Aluflex - Soporte Tecnico
UNSL - Tecnico Universitario en Redes
Javier Martin
Despacho Abogados
FPII El Castillo ZAMORA - Informatica de Gestion
Disfruta el presente
Bragging Rights:
Merce, Otto, mi familia, amigos, Depeche Mode, Barca.....me lo dan todo!!!!!
Javier Martin
Erbial - Pringao mayor
La vida que ya es mucha
Sexo, fotos y rock and roll
Javier Martin
Nuestra Señora de la Paz
Vivir intensamente cada día por si es el último.
Bragging Rights:
Tengo un montón de amigos y casi ningun enemigo por lo menos conocido
Javier Martin
Restaurantes villahonda (1998-2003)
Inmaculada concepcion
Javier Martin
Stattion Travel - Ejecutivo de ventas
Universidad Abierta Interamericana - Lic. en Turismo
Iksils former boss, Javier Martin-Artajo, and a junior trader, Julien Grout, were indicted in the U.S. in 2013. Prosecutors alleged the pair committed securities fraud by hiding the true extent of the losses from bank management.
"Conditions near the surface of present-day Mars are hardly favorable for microbial life as we know it," Javier Martin-Torres said in a statement. Martin-Torres is the lead author of a paper on the research that was published this week in the journal Nature Geosciences. He's also a member of Curiosi
Liquid water is a requirement for life as we know it and a target for Mars exploration missions, said the reports lead author, Javier Martin-Torres of the Spanish Research Council in Spain and Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, a member of Curiositys science team. Conditions near t
It is not just a problem of water, but also temperature. The water activity and temperatures are so low in Mars that they are beyond the limits of cell reproduction and metabolism, Javier Martin-Torres, with Lulea University of Technology, in Kiruna, Sweden, wrote in an email to Discovery News.
Date: Apr 13, 2015
Source: Google
NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Ends the Debate of Methane on the Red Planet
the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere, but it does pose some other more complex and far-reaching questions, such as the nature of its sources-which must lie, we believe, in one or two additional sources that were not originally contemplated in the models used so far," said Javier Martin
Date: Feb 28, 2015
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
JPMorgan Expected to Admit Fault in 'London Whale' Trading Loss
Even before a settlement, federal prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Manhattan have brought criminal charges against two of the traders: Javier Martin-Artajo and Julien Grout, who were accused of covering up the size of their losses. The traders deny wrongdoing. A third trader, B
derivatives deal. Now the U.S. attorney in New York, Preet Bharara, has leveled criminal charges in JPMorgans $6 billion London Whale loss. The targets, Javier Martin-Artajo and Julien Grout are two European employees of JPMorgan. Unlike Tourre, they didnt even live or work in New York.
Date: Sep 20, 2013
Source: Google
Regulators Should Build On The Gains Made In The JPMorgan Settlement
ese losses mounted, the bank failed to provide regulators and investors an accurate picture of the extent of these losses. In August, the government brought a criminal action against two traders Javier Martin-Artajo and Julien Grout involved in the transactions but has not charged anyone else.