Mclean Ccrc and Mclean Game Refuge
Santander Bank, N.a. Aug 2011 - May 2015
Vice President and Team Leader - Operations Management and Budget
City of Hartford Nov 2010 - Aug 2011
Project Manager - Hartford Redevelopment Agency
Prospect Enterprises Dec 2009 - Oct 2010
Portolio Project Manager
Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey Llp Jun 2008 - Aug 2008
Summer Associate
University of Connecticut School of Law 2006 - 2009
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Doctorates, Law
The University of Connecticut School of Law 2006 - 2009
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1999 - 2003
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Public Policy
Kingswood Oxford School 1996 - 1999
Strategic Planning Real Estate Project Management Public Speaking Budgets Nonprofits Non Profits Strategy Contract Negotiation Leadership Public Policy Legal Research Due Diligence Budget Management Zoning Fundraising Investments Legal Writing Negotiation Policy Analysis Commercial Banking Debt Restructuring Reporting and Analysis Non Profit Boards Strategic Human Resource Planning Human Capital Management
Politics Health Arts and Culture Economic Empowerment
Walter Murray Collegiate High School Saskatoon Afghanistan 1997-2001
Monica Daschner, Nila Johnson, Racheal Johnson, Erik Macintosh, John Wayne, Kenny White, Amanda Halldorson, Janie Niekamp, Anthony Mckenzie, Kie Dimmer, Sameer Shrikhande
V.R. to Gandersniff (Jared)
What is a life well lived?
10m 5s
Tenor Madness (Sonny Rollins)
Funky rendition of Sonny Rollins "Tenor Madness" Albert Sarko- Guitar ...
6m 12s
Jared Krumm - I Wish I Didn't Love You (Offic...
Directed, Shot, and edited by Rahi Patel. Beat Produced by Pacific Bea...
3m 11s
Town Council Meeting of August 13, 2019
(20151) B. From Jared Grise (7-25-2019) resigning from Zoning Board of...
57m 7s
Why societies collapse | Jared Diamond
Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenla...