Baptist Physicians Medical GroupNeurosurgical Associates At Baptist Health 1760 Nicholasville Rd STE 301, Lexington, KY 40503 859 277-6143 (phone), 859 277-8659 (fax)
Ms. Davis works in Lexington, KY and specializes in Surgery , Neurological. Ms. Davis is affiliated with Baptist Health Lexington, Saint Joseph Hospital East and Saint Joseph Hospital West.
Aug 2012 to 2000 Realty Manager, Realty ManagementNational Black Law Students Association
Mar 2011 to Mar 2012 Southern Regional ChairWal-Mart Stores, Inc Bentonville, AR May 2011 to Aug 2011 Law Clerk, Realty ManagementXcel Energy Denver, CO May 2010 to Aug 2010 Law Clerk, Office of General Counsel
North Carolina Central University School of Law Durham, NC 2011 to 2012 Alternative Dispute ResolutionUniversity of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration Gainesville, FL 2011 Masters of Science in ManagementUniversity of Florida, College of Journalism and Communications Gainesville, FL 2007 Bachelors of Science in Management
eported. Health and Human Services representatives visited bases last week to review the facilities,Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a military spokesman, said. Up to 20,000 beds at bases in the two states would house unaccompanied alien children, another Pentagon spokesman told The New York Times.
Date: Jun 22, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Border Patrol will stop referring migrant parents who cross into the U.S. illegally with children for prosecution, official says
attorneys with criminal-trial experience to assist as special assistant U.S. attorneys for 179 days, said Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. They will assist in prosecuting border immigration cases, he added, with a focus on misdemeanor improper entry and felony illegal reentry cases.
Date: Jun 21, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Pentagon asked about housing 20K migrant children at military bases | TheHill
The Pentagonon Thursdayacknowledged it had received therequest for assistanceand "HHS and DODare working closely to determine the requirements and timing for support,"according tospokesman Lt. Col. Jamie Davis.
Date: Jun 21, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
WTF: Guardsmen Can Patrol The US Border But Can't Look Across It?!
soldier a letter of reprimand. Title 32 provides that the National Guard can operate up to the United States-Mexico border, but thats it. No peeking across! We are not doing foreign intelligence collection on the border, Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, explained to the Times.
Date: May 16, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
US Navy Destroyer Sails In South China Sea Amid Chinese Combat Drills
The Department of Defense did not confirm the reports of any such operation at the time. U.S. forces operate in the Asia-Pacific region on a daily basis, including the South China Sea, Defense Department spokesman Jamie Davis said in a statement.
In Puerto Rico, DoD continues ongoing relief operations and deployment of additional response capacity, expanding airfield and seaport throughput and supporting Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements, Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement this morning.
Date: Sep 29, 2017
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
US military plans to rotate 'strategic assets' to the Korean Peninsula, Seoul says
Army North, will set up an operational headquarters as the military ramps up efforts on the island with more airlifts and ships, and shifts from a short-term relief mission primarily from the sea to a land-based mission aimed at long-term aid, according to Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.
Date: Sep 28, 2017
Category: World
Source: Google
After pleas for more help, Pentagon sends one-star general to lead Puerto Rico recovery
uardsmen on duty assisting Puerto Rico, including more than a thousand who work from the USS Kearsarge and USS Oak Hill, ships deployed off the coast of Puerto Rico, said Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. Far more were involved in the recent responses to Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey.