Results oriented professional with exten... • executing • interpersonal • customer service • sales and problem solving skills. Skill... • solid work ethic and the ability to cons...
Feb 2013 to 2000 Medical AssistantOBGYN Group Of Perth Amboy
Medical Assistant
Sanford Brown Iselin, NJ 2011 to 2013 medical Assistant in medicalSanford Brown Iselin, NJ 2011 to 2012 Medical Assistant in medical
Results oriented professional with extensive experience in medical assistance. Analytical planning, executing, interpersonal, customer service, sales and problem solving skills. Skilled at dealing with Doctor in order to facilitate making substantial contribution to bottom line. Acknowledged by staff and patients for integrity, solid work ethic and the ability to consistently achieve Doctor Goals. Ability to handle all internal functions through proper assisting approaches. Work well independently and as part of a team.
Lmao my first vid on youtube ! its short n co...
Flipagram - April 17, 2014
Miami turnt up Made using Flipagram Download for Free! .
Flipagram - April 21, 2014
Made using Flipagram Download for Free! .
Cuarentena en casa , ideas para familia y ami...
Estn en casita extraando a sus familiares ! Pues que tal esta idea par...
2m 8s
gifts for people who have everything
Classes or workshop: Woodshop Cooking classes Ceramics workshops, memb...