Study author Huseyin Naci, assistant professor in LSE's Department of Health Policy, said: It is remarkable that so few cancer drugs enter the European market without any clear data on outcomes that matter to patients and their doctors: longer survival and better quality of life.
Date: Oct 05, 2017
Category: Health
Source: Google
Study questions European approval process for cancer drugs
"We were quite surprised about the high proportion of drugs entering the market without evidence," said Huseyin Naci, of the London School of Economics and Political Science, one of the study's authors.
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes: metaepidemiological study, Huseyin Naci,, et al., The BMJ, doi:, published 1 October 2013.
Date: Jan 29, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
Statins Have Few Side Effects, But Should More People Be Taking Them?
paper may bolster that idea. The studys lead author, Huseyin Naci, a research fellow at Harvard Medical School in the department of population medicine, pooled 135 studies involving 250,000 participants and all seven of the currently available statin medications and analyzed the risk of side effects. T