Columbia University In the City of New York 1989 - 1990
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neurology
Suny Downstate Medical Center 1989 - 1990
Associate Professor
University of Virginia School of Medicine Dept of Neurology 1987 - 1989
Postdoctoral Fellow
Emory University
Georgetown University
Neuroscience Electrophysiology Medical Education Immunohistochemistry Pharmacology Microscopy Cell Biology Confocal Microscopy Animal Models In Vivo Western Blotting Neuropharmacology Neurophysiology Teaching
Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2017 | Relativi...
The core concept of relativity is interesting in that it shatters the ...
2m 59s
michelson morley experiment explained
In this video I review the famous Michelson Morley experiment. Looking...
20m 38s
Can you tell us a fun story about a world lea...
ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON Hillary Clinton has served as Secretary of State...
Erik Michelson - Can We Use Tools to Model th...
Erik Michelson is currently a Deputy Director for Anne Arundel County'...
30m 29s
How to be an ally for Social Justice | Meliss...
Dr. Michelson is an author of five books. She is a nationally recogniz...
11m 30s
SR1: The Light that will Light the Spark - Th...
Part 1 of the Special Relativity series Here's Part 2: "The Light that...