This is a significant decision for a club which was founded in 1744 and retains many of the values and aspirations of its founding members, Muirfield club captain Henry Fairweather said. We look forward to welcoming women as members who will enjoy, and benefit from, the great traditions and frien
Date: Mar 14, 2017
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Muirfield votes to admit women, restored to The Open rota
However, Henry Fairweather, the captain of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers which owns and runs Muirfield, announced on Tuesday that the rule change had been passed by 498 votes to 123 after a second ballot, with 80.2 per cent of members in favour.
Date: Mar 14, 2017
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Scotland's Muirfield Golf Club will let women join. It only took 273 years.
We look forward to welcoming women as members who will enjoy, and benefit, from the great traditions and friendly spirit of this remarkable club, said Henry Fairweather, captain of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers that owns and operates Muirfield.
The club captain, Henry Fairweather said: A substantial majority of our members voted for change and many have voiced their disappointment with the ballot result and with subsequent events. The club committee believes that a clear and decisive vote in favour of admitting women as members is requir
Date: Jun 27, 2016
Category: Sports
Source: Google
Muirfield plans another vote on admitting female members
"A substantial majority of our members voted for change and many have voiced their disappointment with the ballot result and with subsequent events," Henry Fairweather, captain of the HCEG, said on Monday.
Date: Jun 27, 2016
Category: World
Source: Google
Exclusive Muirfield golf club to keep its ban on women after members vote AGAINST changing 272-year-old rule
The result of the postal ballot of the exclusive club's 750 members was expected to be close - with speculation that club captain Henry Fairweather would fail to get the two-thirds majority required to change the club's rules turning out to be true.