2012 to 2000 Founder and PresidentCocinando con Nani
2004 to 2010 Author and IllustratorNani Perez Designs Miami, FL 2002 to 2008 Founder and DesignerArcadia Magazine Bogot-Colombia
2006 to 2007 Associate PublisherColombian Government Trade Bureau Miami, FL 2001 to 2004 Commercial and Marketing ConsultantStratcom LatinAmerica Bogota-Colombia
2000 to 2001 Marketing and PR ConsultantRCN, Bogota
1999 to 2000 General Producer and Anchor of TV showPanes & Muffins Bogot-Colombia
1997 to 2000 Founder and ManagerRevista Al Moda Bogot-Colombia
1995 to 1996 Fashion EditorRevista Semana Coleccin Bogot-Colombia
1993 to 1995 Fashion EditorHotline Bogota, Colombia
1992 to 1993 Fashion Designer for youth apparel
Institute of Children's Literature West Redding, CT 2007 Certificate in Children and TeenagersIstituto Marangoni 1992 Bachelor in Fashion Design