Jun 2008 to 2000 Manager, Electrical Systems DivisionUNITED STATES AIR FORCE
Apr 1994 to 2000UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Ramstein-Miesenbach Oct 2004 to Jun 2008 Manager, Electrical Systems Section
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 2015 Project Management CertificationCOLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY 2014 B.S. in LeadershipAIR UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR FORCE 2012 A.A.S.JOINT FORCES STAFF COLLEGE 2011 Management CourseSenior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy 2011
Magnus Carlsen Roasting Grandmaster Hans Niem...
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1m 35s
Hikaru's Reaction to Hans Niemann's Interview...
On September 8, 2022, at the beginning of the stream, Hikaru reacted t...
8m 16s
Hans Philip - Somendrm | A COLORS SHOW
Danish musician Hans Philip shares a melancholic moment with his perfo...
4m 2s
Fabi: Hans is a Very Interesting Player | Rou...
Fabiano Caruana talks to Alejandro Ramirez after defeating Hans Nieman...
15m 36s
Hans Top Engine Move | Sinquefield Cup 2022
Hikaru reacts to sus analysis calling Hans Neiman's move a "top engine...
Evidence? | Hans Niemann vs Alireza Firouzja ...
Chess Grandmaster Daniel King examines the game Hans Niemann vs Alirez...