Lands End Estates LLC since Mar 2013
Ceo & Founder
Lands End Developers since 2006
Mgrm-CEO - Boca Raton, FL (USA) since Feb 1998
CEO, Owner
Boston University
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Economics, Computer Science, International Relations
Venture Capital Start Ups Entrepreneurship Business Strategy Mergers and Acquisitions Private Equity Business Planning Angel Investing Business Development Corporate Development Investments Mergers Due Diligence Funding Strategy Management Leadership Corporate Finance Strategic Partnerships Fundraising Small Business Emerging Markets Private Placements Valuation Investor Relations New Business Development Management Consulting Ipo Capital Raising Restructuring Sales Executive Management Investment Banking Asset Management Financial Modeling Portfolio Management Finance Public Relations Alternative Investments International Business Financial Analysis Capital Competitive Analysis Financial Structuring Joint Ventures Growth Capital M&A Experience Lbo Mezzanine Deal Sourcing
The system has reached its "awkward teen years," after passing its experimental stage and steadily gaining acceptance, said Greg Berman, director of the New York-based Center for Court Innovation, a nonprofit that advises community courts using U.S. Department of Justice funding.