The son of a middle class family, Scrushy's father, Gerald Scrushy, worked as a cash register repairman and his mother, Grace Scrushy, worked as a nurse and respiratory therapist.
2003 to 2012 openHEALTHSOUTH Corporation Birmingham, AL 1984 to 2003 Senior Vice PresidentPulmonary Services, Alexian Brothers Hospital St. Louis, MO 1981 to 1984 Director CardioAlexian Brothers Hospital St. Louis, MO 1979 to 1981 Director of Respiratory CareB'ham area Hospitals B'ham, AL 1976 to 1979 Respiratory Therapy TechLife Mark RTS Selma, AL 1973 to 1975 Respiratory Therapy Tech
ASBRT 2012 to 2013 AL License # 3466University Of Alabama in Birmingham Birmingham, AL 1979 Certificate of Completion in Respiratory TherapyJefferson State Jr. College 1977 Associates in Applied ScienceNBRT RRT #14071NBRT CRTTAHA BLS
BabyK- sell my soul(unreleased)
See it somewhere else came from me @Gerald.wts91k.
2m 50s
FSIN Vice-Chief reacts to not guilty verdict ...
FSIN Vice-Chief Kimberly Jonathan reacts to not guilty verdict in Gera...
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Chris Murphy, lawyer for the Boushie family, ...
Chris Murphy, lawyer for the Boushie family, reacts to not guilty verd...
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SEMAJE - Gerald Haddon -Breathe ATL
SEMAJE singing at Breathe ATL Instagram: @iSemaje Twitter: @semajeco...
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Ethics and Fraud at HealthSouth: Lessons from...
In 2005, Aaron Beam, co-founder and former CFO of HealthSouth, pled gu...
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Inside Alabama's largest house
Take a look inside the 50000 square foot home of Larry House in Shelby...