Franck Kodjo, one of the officials, said on Wednesday residents in Yopougon had told the aid group that about 30 bodies were buried in the field. "This land will never be used by youth, will never again be suitable for children's games," he said.
Date: May 05, 2011
Category: World
Source: Google
Dozens of bodies found in devastated Abidjan district
"We were able to enter Yopougon for the first time yesterday (Tuesday)," Franck Kodjo, a Red Cross official, told AFP following days of heavy fighting between die-hard Gbagbo loyalists and forces of President Alassane Ouattara. "We removed 40 bodies in two hours."
"We receive calls at our call center telling us where the bodies are," said Franck Kodjo, who led a team that had already picked up more than 20 bodies by midmorning Wednesday from Abidjan's Cocody district alone.