A fishing lure includes a hook, a swivel, a line portion connected between the hook and swivel and a length of flexible tubing at least 7" long around the line portion and portion of the hook connected to the line portion. The hook includes a barbed end projecting from the tubing, the tubing being cut to form an elongated helix with essentially no space between adjacent coils of the helix. A camouflage such as feathers project from the hook end of the tubing.
Spring Hill College Father Viscardi excited a...
Spring Hill College Father Viscardi excited about new Pope.
2m 12s
BIT - That's My Desire by Back In Time of th...
Back In Time (Yvonne Miller, Donna Francis, Denny Iwago, Danny Viscard...
3m 20s
Notes on a newly described species of Feejee ...
Paulo Viscardi from the Horniman Museum gives a talk on mermaids at Te...
26m 26s
Follow Me: essere Sofia Viscardi. I segreti d...
Vi ricordate la ragazza riccissima che si raccontava nella sua cameret...
10m 4s
BIT - Just Two Kinds Of People @ Doo Wop at t...
Back In Time (Yvonne Miller, Donna Francis, Denny Iwago, Danny Viscard...