PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Extensive experience in the design, execution & management of scientific research projects for the development, optimization & commercialization of medical device (Hypoglossal Nerve Implant, aura6000TM) Hands on experience in the following areas, Neurosciences, Physiology & Biophysics Electrophysiology; Somatosensory innervation and sensation (lingual); Nerve stimulation & recordings (sensory & motor nerves); Electromyography/imEMG; Stimulation electrodes & IPGs; Single neuron (whole cell) stimulation & recordings; c-fos and Arc expression; in vivo/vitro tissue (whole brain, live brain slices & primary cells) labeling by iontophoresis/micro-spritzers of fluorescent dyes and GFP-viruses; Axonal tracing (V,VII,IX,X nerves) using Pseudorabies virus, herpes viruses & chemical dyes; Immunohistochemistry; EM/SEM; DAB staining; LY, eCFP, eGFP and eYFP; DiI, DiD, DiO; Fluorescent dyes and GFP-viruses; Confocal; LSM510; 2-photon; DeltaVision deconvolution; Bioluminescence/fluorescence imaging; working knowledge in digital image processing methods like fluorescence, hyperspectral; Laser scanning; Upright/Inverted fluorescence; Live animal/tissue imaging; 3D/4D imaging & processing; Fluorescent/bright-field dissection scopes; Cryotome; Optical tweezers/traps; single-molecule; BOLD/Contrast; Cell & tissue culture; stem cells; Ca2+ signaling; Cell lines; in vitro cell-cell interactions/signaling; FlAsH and ReAsH; Patch-clamp; Protein folding, misfolding & aggregation; Plaque formation; Cheperonins; Alzheimers/BSE/HSE/Parkinsons; Spectroscopy; Real-time ultrafast continuous and stopped-flow kinetics; Viscometry; NMR; NOESY; CD; ITC; DSC; FRET; Protein structure & function. etc. Immunology & Molecular Biology ELISA/RIA/ELISPOT; FACS; in situ; Assay development; Immuno-clastogenicity; Histology & histopathology; Toxicity systemic/local/hemo; Sensitivity & irritation; Antisera production; Ab purification & labeling/immobilization; CBC; Differential & Serum profile; Cloning; Expression screens; Neuro-architecture; Neural coding; fMRI; MRI; Transgenic mice & KO/KI/Cre-LoxP; Bio-computation; Gene regulation; Omics; Genomics; All PCR types; Proteomics; Protein, nucleotide/polysaccharide synthesis/sequencing; BLAST; cDNA library; Microarray; Ab screens; Dye coupling; Gene/Protein expression etc. Biochemistry & Chemistry Enzymology; Immunohistochemistry; Histology; Peptide synthesis & sequencing; Analytical/synthetic chemistry; Hematology; Local & systemic toxicity etc. Bioinformatics & Computation Protein & peptide modeling; DNA & protein 2/3 structure prediction; NCBI; PubMed, KEGG, Entrez Gene, Gene Ontology, UniProt; de novo gene & peptide synthesis;; Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft, Sigma Plot; Canvas; Microsoft; AMNITAB/JMP; T-test; Sigma/SpcXL; Students t-Test; Variant; GenStat/MedCalc; Analyze-It, etc. Human & Animal Research Animal surgeries; canines, pig, rat, mouse, drosophila models; Behavior biology; Animal husbandry; IACUC/AALAS; Genetics; Nerve cross-anastomosis; Nerve transaction & denervation; Cadaver & animal dissections; LD50; Survival microsurgery; Biocompatibility [] Implants; Gross/clinical pathology; necropsy; Human & animal diseases; Chemical/radiological/biosafet... BSL 1-4; etc. Quality Control & Management ANSI/SDO/ISO standards like [] ANSI/ISO/ASQ [] System & software verification and validation (V&V); Design & Development Validation; R&D; QS; FME(C)A; knowledge of 21 CFRs; Staff management; Budget management; Research laboratory operation; Cost saving; Import-export; Project & Time management; DMAIC & DMADV; Grant applications; Scientific & Clinical research papers; Industry proposals; Hire/train new employees/interns etc. Clinical & Pre-clinical Clinical & Pre-clinical trials; Patient management & interaction; Clinical/Non-clinical Safety, Efficacy, Proof-of-principle/concept & Performance studies; R&D; GLP/Non-GLP; IDE/Pre-IDE/CE; Polysomnography (PSG); Sleep Labs; Patient interaction office/OR; General toxicity studies (sub-acute/acute/sub-chronic/c... FDA/CE/QMS/QSR/DMR/DOE/GMP/FME... [] IRB/IEC/ERB/REB; IND/NDA; Cytotoxity & genotoxity; Knowledge of PKPD/ADME/LADME; Manuals, protocols, reports & IFUs; Surgeons, clinicians & distributors training; Experience in grants preparation; budgeting; instrument purchasing and management. Data analysis, presentation & publication; Taught and graded BS & MS students; Demonstrated and assisted students in research; Science seminars, lectures, journal clubs and scientific colloquiums; Scientific articles, reports, white papers, reviews & SOPs; etc. Teaching, Training & Communication Taught science students; Taught & assisted in the teaching of Human Anatomy course (# 207; 2nd Year Medical Graduation Students), Medical Teaching, School of Medicine, UCSD. Examined Foreign Language Proficiency tests of graduate students at different colleges (Eleanor Roosevelt College, UCSD; Revelle College, UCSD; College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, UCR) and campuses of UC system etc.