A new and distinct variety of plum tree which is somewhat remotely similar to the "Santa Rosa" plum tree (unpatented) from which it was derived, but from which it is distinguished by producing uniformly larger fruit which are mature for harvesting and shipment approximately the same time as that of the "Santa Rosa" plum tree but which exhibit a superior holding ability, as compared with that of the "Santa Rosa" plum tree and having a generally redder flesh coloration.
A new and distinctive variety of nectarine tree which produces freestone fruit which are most closely similar to the fruit of the May Grand Nectarine Tree of U. S. Plant Pat. No. 2,794 but which ripens five days or so earlier and is distinguished therefrom by being larger, redder and somewhat more pointed.
A new and distinct variety of plum tree which is somewhat remotely similar to the Eldorado plum tree, but from which it is distinguished by producing uniformly larger fruit of a heart-shaped form having a distinct flavor and which are mature for harvesting and shipment approximately the same time as that of the "Eldorado" plum tree, but which exhibit a superior holding ability as compared with the fruit of the "Eldorado" plum tree.
A new and distinct variety of plum tree which has been denominated varietally as `Sir George` which is distinguished by producing uniformly large fruit of a semi-globular form, which has a distinct flavor and which is mature for harvesting and shipment approximately the fourth week of July.
A plum tree which is generally similar to the Black Beaut Plum Tree (U. S. Plant Pat. No. 3,617) which it most nearly resembles, bearing purple-skinned, clingstone fruit having redder flesh and a thicker stone than that of the Black Beaut.
A new distinct variety of plum tree which is somewhat remotely similar to the "Santa Rosa" plum tree (unpatented), but from which it is distinguished by producing uniformly larger fruit which are mature for harvesting and shipment approximately one week earlier than the "Santa Rosa" plum tree and exhibits superior holding ability as compared with that of the "Santa Rosa" plum tree and having yellower flesh with red coloration just under the skin.
Western Farm Service Jan 2000 - Dec 2007
Manager and Consultant
Family Tree Farms Jan 2000 - Dec 2007
Reseach and Developement
Fresno State University 1973 - 1977
Fruit Agronomy Food Food Industry Product Development Sustainable Agriculture Strategic Planning Agriculture Agribusiness Crop Protection Agrochemicals Dairy Food Processing Haccp Research Microsoft Office Biotechnology R&D Food Safety Market Development Vegetables Microsoft Excel Contract Farming