
Eleanor M Mckenna

age ~63

from Hatfield, PA

Also known as:
  • Eleanor Sekellick Mckenna
  • Elanor Mckenna
  • Megan Mckenna
  • Eleanor Mc
  • Eleanor Sekellick
  • Eleanor Mc Kenna
Phone and address:
1612 Harvest Moon Ln, Hatfield, PA 19440
215 855-7566

Eleanor Mckenna Phones & Addresses

  • 1612 Harvest Moon Ln, Hatfield, PA 19440 • 215 855-7566 • 267 218-1029
  • 2497 Jean Dr, Hatfield, PA 19440 • 215 855-7566
  • Saint Petersburg, FL
  • Horsham, PA
  • Hatboro, PA
  • Belleair, FL
  • Montgomery, PA


  • Company:
    Pat McKenna Realtors
  • Address:
    63 East Main Street, Marlton, NJ 08053
  • Phones:
    856 287-9023 856 985-7768



Buyer's Agent • Listing Agent • Relocation • Consulting

License Records

Eleanor Sekellick Mckenna

Hatfield, PA 19440
License #:
RN268824L - Active
Registered Nurse

Real Estate Brokers

Eleanor Mckenna Photo 1

Eleanor Mckenna, Marlton NJ Real Estate Professional

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Buyer's Agent
Listing Agent
Pat McKenna Realtors
63 East Main Street, Marlton, NJ 08053
856 287-9023 (Phone), 856 287-9023 (Cell), 856 985-7768 (Fax)
39 years
Our firm, Pat McKenna Realtors, was founded by my husband Pat McKenna and me, Eleanor McKenna in 1977. As residents of the Marlton area, my husband had already established his name within the community as a successful Real Estate Salesperson. Our joint venture was highly successful, even against the downturn experienced in the real estate market in the early 1980's, due to the unprecedented rise in interest rates. As the town of Marlton was experiencing its first real explosion of growth during this time frame, our firm was incremental in representing one of the primary builders in the area with his new home communities. The sound relationships we built with the community, the builder and the new residents provided the foundation on which our company continues to operate today. Unfortunately my husband passed away suddenly in 1984. As the now sole owner of the company, as well as the mother of three sons, it was incumbent to me to continue to honor his name and our relationship with the Marlton area. With continued hard work, sound business decisions and aggressive marketing strategies we continued to succeed. Our firm is now 36 years old and consistently tops the list as the most productive office in the entire area. My personalbusiness model rests on good old-fashioned business sense and hard work. Every client that I have receives the utmost in professional and customer service oriented attention. Because we are a family owned business, we possess the ability to quickly adjust to the market trends in a robust and timely manner thus enabling us to propel the real estate market forward even during these difficult financial times. As the principal of the firm, and as a leading realtor in the area, as well as a long term resident for more than40 years, I have insisted that the company be held to the highest ethical standard. My personal and greatest asset to Buyers and Sellers has been my full time commitment to the community I serve, in the form of political action and involvement in education in the area. As our business has grown we have expanded into additional surrounding areas including all of Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties. In addition we are a member of the Jersey Shore MLS and continue to expand our business in all areas. I pride myself on being, at all times, professional, dedicated and well informed, making me a highly desirable choice as your real estate authority. Thank you for considering me to represent you in your real estate needs. I look forward to building a new and lasting relationship with you.
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Eleanor J. Mckenna
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association
Membership Organization
37 Thornyapple Ln, Levittown, PA 19054


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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna Photo 5

Eleanor Mom Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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eleanor mckenna

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GOTHAM CITY, United Kingdom


Eleanor Mckenna Photo 10

Charlottetown Rural High ...

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Eleanor McKenna (1990-1994),
Patricia Shea (1977-1981),
Tracey MacDonald (1984-1988)


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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor McKenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor McKenna

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Eleanor McKenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna

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Eleanor Mckenna



Eleanor Rigby performed by Paul Rose.wmv

Paul Rose plays and "electric" version of the Beatles classic on the W...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    28 Apr, 2011
  • Duration:
    4m 40s

Vivaldi Concerto for 3 Strings - WL 2009Dec17...

Sean Ganous, Katherine McKenna and Eleanor Miller perform the Vivaldi ...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    19 Dec, 2009
  • Duration:
    3m 17s

'Sluts' Rally Against Sexism? [FOX: 5-09-2011]

Subscribe for news updates every 10 minutes. Like/Dislike, Favorite, C...

  • Category:
    News & Politics
  • Uploaded:
    09 May, 2011
  • Duration:
    5m 29s

The Wise Maid

www.setdancingne... Tony Mac Mahon & Barney Mc Kenna play one of my f...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    13 Feb, 2008
  • Duration:
    1m 44s

6 Transformational Leadership Series: Maslow'...

Transformational Leadership Series. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a t...

  • Category:
  • Uploaded:
    15 Apr, 2008
  • Duration:
    2m 57s

Eleanor's 90th Birthday March 2, 2011

Jim & Jim Jr McKenna www.jimmckenna.c... Today was Mom's 90 th Birthd...

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    02 Mar, 2011
  • Duration:

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