
Edwin Alfred Bertness

age ~81

from San Antonio, TX

Also known as:
  • Edwin A Bertness
  • Bertness Bertness
  • Ed Bertness
Phone and address:
6814 Forest Crest St, San Antonio, TX 78240
210 681-2141

Edwin Bertness Phones & Addresses

  • 6814 Forest Crest St, San Antonio, TX 78240 • 210 681-2141 • 210 681-0190

Us Patents

  • System And Method For Handling Underrun Of Compressed Speech Frames Due To Unsynchronized Receive And Transmit Clock Rates

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  • US Patent:
    60646934, May 16, 2000
  • Filed:
    May 1, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    David C. Oliver - San Antonio TX
    Edwin A. Bertness - San Antonio TX
  • Assignee:
    Data Race, Inc. - San Antonio TX
  • International Classification:
    H04L 516
    H04B 166
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A system and method for compensating for slight variances between a first rate at which a far end modem transmits a series of data frames to a near end modem and a second rate at which the near end modem requires reception of the series of data frames. The modems comprise a data pump which receives data frames from the other modem at the first rate on a telephone line. The data frames are received by a data pump which provides the frames a character at a time to a controller coupled to the data pump. The controller places the characters into a pair of frame buffers in a memory coupled to the controller. The controller receives data frames from a vocoder at the second rate to be transmitted to the other modem. The controller attempts to provide data frames to the vocoder at the second rate in order to avoid distortion in the data frame flow, in particular, distortion in the compressed speech. The method comprises determining according to the second rate if a next data frame in the series of data frames has been received and providing the next data frame to a decoder if the next data frame has been received, but providing a filler frame to the decoder if the next data frame has not been received.
  • System And Method For Suppressing Far End Echo Of Voice Encoded Speech

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  • US Patent:
    60441089, Mar 28, 2000
  • Filed:
    May 28, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edwin A. Bertness - San Antonio TX
    David C. Oliver - San Antonio TX
  • Assignee:
    Data Race, Inc. - San Antonio TX
  • International Classification:
    H04B 138
    H04B 166
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A system and method for performing far end echo suppression of compressed speech frames in a telecommunications system. The system comprises a client modem and a server modem coupled together via a communications path. A controller in the server modem receives a first series of compressed speech frames from the client modem and provides the frames to a vocoder. Each of the frames includes voice encoded speech parameters. The controller maintains a history of a volume parameter value of the most recently provided frames to the vocoder. The vocoder decompresses the first frames to produce a first speech signal for transmission onto a telephone line. An echo of the speech signal may occur due to impedance mismatches between a hybrid in the server modem and the telephone line. The echo is received by the vocoder along with a second subscriber's speech signal from the telephone line. The echo and second speech signal are compressed by the vocoder into a second series of compressed speech frames which are provided to the controller.

Vehicle Records

  • Edwin Bertness

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  • Address:
    6414 N Frst Crst St, San Antonio, TX 78240
  • VIN:
  • Make:
  • Model:
  • Year:


This is my story.....Joyce Bertness 1936 - 2011

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  • Duration:
    5m 18s

Entrepreneurs Share Most Valuable Lessons Lea...

Edwin invites a variety of different entrepreneurs, business leaders, ...

  • Duration:
    1m 44s

Aspirations for Business Ethics Course - Edwi...

Edwin Hartman on Teaching Business Ethics - 4.

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    1m 23s


Yes guy's This is my routine everyday doing exercise, Like stretching ...

  • Duration:
    12m 1s

Live from the Field: Freshwater Invasions, Oc...

Bring researchers into your classroom and give students a window into ...

  • Duration:
    55m 55s

Haruto lead the prayer during their flag cere...

obvious na kinakabahan pa c Haru, 1st time kasi, but of course im stil...

  • Duration:
    7m 12s

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