
Edgar A Astrove


from Hamden, CT

Also known as:
  • Edgar S Astrove
  • Edgar Astrou
  • Edgar E
Phone and address:
1153 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06517
203 745-5810

Edgar Astrove Phones & Addresses

  • 1153 Whitney Ave, Hamden, CT 06517 • 203 745-5810
  • New Haven, CT
  • 35 Stratton Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914 723-9019 • 914 723-9319 • 914 472-8205
  • Greenwich, CT
  • Westchester, NY
  • 200 Leeder Hill Dr APT 2411, Hamden, CT 06517 • 203 745-5810


  • Degree:
    Graduate or professional degree

Us Patents

  • Medication Directing Aid

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  • US Patent:
    43444300, Aug 17, 1982
  • Filed:
    Mar 20, 1981
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edgar Astrove - Scarsdale NY
  • International Classification:
    A61M 100
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A medication directing aid for use with drop or jelly medication dispensing containers in self-administering medication to medication sites in or near the patient's eye. The medication dispensing container is clamped to the medication directing aid to form a single unit for dispensing the medication and for providing precision direction to the dispenser tip. The medication directing aid comprises a mirror surface and a clamp, integral to a carrier and juxtaposed at an angle of approximately 135 degrees. When assembled the medication directing aid and the medication dispensing container together form a medication dispensing-viewing unit which may be positioned and operated with one hand and one eye.
  • Mirror Assembly Using Mirror, Clamps And Standoff Axles

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  • US Patent:
    41779665, Dec 11, 1979
  • Filed:
    Jun 5, 1978
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edgar Astrove - Scarsdale NY
  • International Classification:
    A47G 117
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A mirror assembly for vehicular applications, yielding wide-angle viewing, which is simple, inexpensive, easily installable, easily adjustable and of low distortion. The mirror assembly comprises a mirror, four adhesive backed clamps, and a set of standoff axles. The mirror is positioned and held by the set of standoff axles, which are held to the mirror by two of the clamps and to the windscreen by two of the clamps, the mirror and windscreen providing strength and support to the mirror assembly in such fashion that the mirror is adjustable by rotation on the standoff axles while remaining stably positioned in the vehicle.

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