
Dwight Craig Ramdon

from Gainesville, FL

Dwight Ramdon Phones & Addresses

  • Gainesville, FL

Us Patents

  • On-Demand Portable Chlorine Dioxide Generator

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  • US Patent:
    20110262342, Oct 27, 2011
  • Filed:
    May 11, 2011
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    DAVID E. RICHARDSON - Gainesville FL, US
    Daniel Denevan - Sioux Falls SD, US
    Dwight C. Ramdon - Seattle WA, US
  • Assignee:
  • International Classification:
    C01B 11/02
    B01J 7/02
  • US Classification:
    423477, 422236
  • Abstract:
    An on-demand portable chlorine dioxide generator has a reagent bound medium in a first enclosed volume; a complementary reagent solution in a second enclosed volume, and a structure for selecting between a first position where the complementary reagent solution is forced through the reagent bound medium and a second position where said complementary reagent solution remains isolated from the reagent bound ion exchange medium, where a ClOsolution is generated only during periods when the structure for forcing is actuated. The ClOsolution can be discharged for use as a portable sprayer that can be used to treat surfaces infected by anthrax or other biological contaminants. When the bound reagent is chlorite, the complementary reagent is an acid or an oxidant. When the bound reagent is an acid or an oxidant, the complementary reagent solution is a chlorite solution.

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