U.s. Geological Survey (Usgs)
U.s Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Center
Saic Sgt 2006 - 2016
Us Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Center
Redcastle Resources 2004 - 2006
Us Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Center
Oregon State University 2000 - 2004
Senior Research Faculty, Department of Forest Science
Oregon State University 1995 - 2000
Research Faculty, Department of Forest Science
Oregon State University 1993 - 1997
Master of Science, Masters, Geography
Oregon State University 1990 - 1992
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Geography
Remote Sensing Science Gis Spatial Analysis Geography Erdas Imagine Arcgis Spatial Databases Earth Observation Research Data Analysis Project Management Cartography Geospatial Data Data Management Proposal Writing Climate Change Product Development Image Processing Earth Science Leadership Landscape Ecology Multivariate Statistics Science Outreach Presentations Organizational Development Sas User Modeling Usability Testing Web Design Publications Personnel Management Personnel Supervision Staff Development Recruiting Geographic Information Systems