"Neither one of their injuries, weve found out, are going to be life-threatening," Donna Hinkle, administrative director of the Greenbrier County 911 Center, told The Los Angeles Times, adding that the shooter's injuries were also not life-threatening.
Date: Jan 02, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Father, son accused of killing Granville couple in multi-state crime spree
The father opened fire on the officers, hitting them both, and was injured when the officers returned fire, hitting him in the leg, troopers said. The officers' injuries were not life-threatening, according to Donna Hinkle, administrator of the Greenbrier County 911 center.
The Lewisburg officers were trying to pull over the vehicle after a police license-plate scannerreported the vehicles tags as stolen, said Donna Hinkle, administrative director of the GreenbrierCounty 911 Center.
Date: Jan 02, 2015
Source: Google
2 officers, suspect shot in W.Va. highway shootout
The two Lewisburg officers and the shooting suspect were being treated for injuries that were not life-threatening, Donna Hinkle, administrator of the Greenbrier County 911 center, told The AP on Thursday.
The driver of the pickup pulled out a handgun and shot both officers, police said. Donna Hinkle, director of administration at the Greenbrier County 911 Center, told NBC News that one was shot in the ribs but was wearing a bulletproof vest, and the other was grazed by a bullet.
The names of those taken into custody were not immediately released. The shooting happened after Lewisburg police stopped a vehicle with stolen plates on Interstate 64 and were fired upon, Donna Hinkle, director of administration at the Greenbrier County 911 Center, told NBC News.