The film is alsonarrated by science reporter Dennis Overbye and produced by Jonathan Corum, Graham Roberts, Yuliya Parshina-Kottas and Evan Grothjan from The New York Times graphics desk, says The NYT. The original music was scored by Graham Roberts and performed by Jessica Ferri, Mio Kanehara, Da
Date: Apr 28, 2016
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Hawaii telescope: Did indigenous rights just beat astronomical discovery?
ative Hawaiians is neither precisely religious nor entirely geographic. Kealoha Pisciotta, a spokeswoman for the group called Mauna Kea Hui that sued Thirty Meter Telescope, rejected characterizations of the case as a conflict between religion and science, reported Dennis Overbye for The New York Times.
Date: Dec 05, 2015
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Of Black Holes and Glittering Stars: The Theory of Everything and Hollywood ...
The New York Times science columnist Dennis Overbye objected recently that The Theory of Everything does not do justice to Hawking's science. Though I have long admired Overbye's writing, I found myself disagreeing on this point. Overbye complains, for example, that the film shortcuts Hawking's actu
rica, forcing readers to grapple with issues of poverty and dependency. Finalists: Dennis Overbye of The New York Times for his authoritative illumination of the race by two competing teams of 3,000 scientists and technicians over a seven-year period to discover what physicists call the "God particle.";
Date: Apr 15, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Neil deGrasse Tyson to host remake of Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos'
erse to be shown on Fox and the National Geographic channel on Sunday (March 9). After a number of special preview showings this week, including one at the White House, the new Cosmos will be broadcast to 170 nations in 45 languages, according to a report by Dennis Overbye in the New York Times.
"As we recall from bitter memory, the Hubble and the space station are in vastly different orbits," Dennis Overbye wrote. "Getting from one to the other requires so much energy that not even space shuttles had enough fuel to do it. The telescope is 353 miles high, in an orbit that keeps it near the
When NASA Kepler Space Observatory scientists announced the discovery of over 1,200 planets around other stars last week, my colleague, veteran science writer Dennis Overbye, wrote in the New York Times that astronomers have broken open a Milky Way piata and more planets fell out than they could imagine!