Sammamish, WAAdvoCare, Sales Vice President.
Changing the face of America one person at a time through superior nutrition, compensation plan and world class leadership... AdvoCare, Sales Vice President.
Changing the face of America one person at a time through superior nutrition, compensation plan and world class leadership.
AdvoCare, We Build Champions!
Welcome from Debra Fisser
Debra Fisher - SENT
1m 15s
Loving Your Spouse Through the Seasons of Mar...
Debra Fileta has identified the four seasons of marriage that correspo...
29m 45s
Debras Story
Learn how Debra has passed the torch to others by advocating and volun...
1m 16s
Feel The Financial Fear And Do It Anyway | De...
If you rely on your spouse to handle all things related to your saving...
17m 27s
Confessions of a TV reporter | Debra Alfarone...
Debra Alfarone talks about her journey in becoming an award-winning, e...