"It was kind of in the home stretch in the run there, and she had a slight lead on him," Craig Romney recalled. "And he said that in that moment, he decided that he was going to win that race or he was going to die trying."
Date: Nov 09, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Paul Ryan's Final Nevada Push to 'Leave It All on the Field'
In Reno, Ryan was joined by Mitt Romneys youngest son, Craig Romney, at the rally here, as well as Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval. In the audience as a spectator was multimillionaire former mutual fund manager and philanthropist and GOP donor Foster Friess. He flashed his signature beaming grin, althouIt has been a packed two and a half months for both Ryan and his young family, but his children still seemed to be enjoying it today when they hopped on the stage after their dads speech, along with Craig Romneys son Parker.
Date: Nov 05, 2012
Source: Google
Why the presidential candidates are targeting Latinos — and why you should too
The last time I counted, Mitt Romney's campaign had at least 15 Spanish-language videos on its YouTube page, and had commissioned Craig Romney as surrogate bilingual speaker for his father to the Hispanic community and Spanish-language media outlets.
1100EDT -- Tagg, Matt, Josh, and Craig Romney, as well as Sens Hatch, Thune and Rubio, Gov Jindal and Rep Chaffetz, are the featured speakers at the American Conservative Union's Political Action Conference at The Crowne Plaza Denver Intl Airport, Denver, CO.
Date: Oct 04, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Mexican superstar band Maná playing at Obama event
Romney and his representatives have also made frequent visits to Nevada. On Friday, Romney's Spanish-speaking son, Craig Romney, stopped in Las Vegas. The candidate's wife, Ann, spoke in Reno on Thursday.
Date: Oct 01, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
Mitt Romney's Popularity With Latino Voters Declines As Campaign Pursues ...
On the small side are the intimate chats scheduled for Craig Romney, the elder Romneys Spanish-fluent son, dubbed "Conversemos con Craig Romney" (Conversations with Craig Romney). Some of the conversations have included 20 to 30 people invited by the campaign to come share ideas with Craig Romney a
Romney's youngest son, Craig, appeared at the town hall held at the University of Central Florida. Craig Romney said that when he first met Ryan, he was impressed the Wisconsin legislator had a "grasp of the issues" and by his ability to simply and effectively talk about complicated topics.
rally at the University of Central Florida to the roar of several thousand supporters, Saturday. Rep. Ryan was joined onstage by retired space shuttle astronaut Sid Gutierrez and Mitt Romneys son, Craig Romney. Earlier in the day, Ryan greeted supporters in Miami with former governor Jeb Bush.