Last, and by far the most bizarre, was Cooper Robinson. Robinson a 59 year old, maybe, he wasn't sure, from somewhere deep in Arkansas, "a dangerous place with snakes and alligators", performed "I feel Good", a James Brown tune, for the American Idol judges. Decked out in an outrageous outfit complete with a feathered hat, Robinson paraded, stomped and rolled around on stage during his audition. When finished an out of breath Robinson asked the judges, "How you like me?". No 'golden ticket' for
Date: Feb 04, 2011
Source: Google
Paul F. Tompkins Recaps American Idol's LA Auditions
Finally, we close it out with Cooper Robinson, whose name I am not afraid to put on the Internet, because his telephone is most likely a cardboard toilet paper tube. He looks like an effigy of Nipsey Russell from The Wiz, and he rants and raves and accidentally sings for a little bit. By the time he leaves he is sweating profusely because he is wearing a wig under a mans hat under a ladys hat. What fun we had with the mentally ill this evening! Who cares how poorly our health-care system deal
Date: Feb 04, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'American Idol' Auditions Prove Lackluster in Los Angeles
Attempting to end things on a lighthearted note, but coming off more sad than funny, 59-year-old Cooper Robinson did his best James Brown impersonation to the judges' bewilderment. General Larry Platt he's not (nor is Anthony Granger, an earlier auditioner who performed a literal interpretation of Platts' classic "Pants on the Ground"), though when it comes to hard-to-understand speech, the two could be long lost cousins.
Date: Feb 04, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'American Idol' recap: California disaster - LA auditions full of flops
Cooper Robinson, a.k.a. the Human Tornado. Hes from Arkansas and hes clearly over decades over the Idol age limit of 28, even though hes not sure what his actual age is. But they let this James Brown wannabe audition for entertainment purposes. Sort of like the Pants on the Ground rapper last season. Except Larry Platt was much funnier, and his audition tape went viral.
Date: Feb 04, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
'American Idol' judges come down to earth in the City of Angels
Cooper Robinson, who came all the way from the backwoods of Arkansas, looking like a cross between James Brown, Captain Jack Sparrow and a church lady. His voice was no better than his costume, and the judges were struck speechless.
Cooper Robinson was another outrageous contestant. The 59-year-old was outlandishly dressed and filled with high energy with his rendition of James Brown's "I Feel Good." The song left him breathless, while leaving Randy and the rest concerned for his health. He ended his audition tape, screaming, "I'm more good lookin, more handsomest than any dog, chicken, giraffe, snake, cow, pig, hog or any gee-raff. Look for this guy to be a viral sensation.
And we've finally found this year's signature not-a-chance loony with a shtick you can't deny, Mr. Human Tornado himself, Arkansas' Cooper Robinson, 59 (he thinks). He came dressed in a feathered pimp hat, bells on his ankles, a bedazzled jacket and a whole bucket of crazy. The street performer gave his spastic, horrifying take on James Brown's "I Feel Good," and was so out of breath he couldn't even remember what the show was called. (Hint: it's not called "American Star" or "Next Movie Star.")