Chris Roebuck, BSc, MBA, FCIPD, is a British economist who lectures on leadership topics and advises organisations on maximising performance through effective
Isbn (Books And Publications)
Effective Communication: The Essential Guide To Thinking And Working Smarter
Commentaters are now calling for a change in the finance industrys working practices. Chris Roebuck, a former banker and now professor of leadership at Cass Business School, says junior employees in Londons financial district are frequently pressured into working up to 100 hours a week.
Date: Aug 21, 2013
Category: World
Source: Google
Bank of America intern death sparks debate over hours
A culture of long working hours, especially for interns and young people in the financial services industry has intensified since the global financial crisis, says Chris Roebuck, a visiting professor at Cass Business School in London, and a former senior personnel manager at UBS and HSBC banks.
Date: Aug 21, 2013
Category: World
Source: Google
King Succession Race for BOE Roiled as Libor Furor Rages
Depending on what comes out of the Libor inquiry, thegovernment may say that instead of a safe pair of hands, what wewant is someone who will shake the industry up, said Chris Roebuck, a professor at Cass Business School in London.
Regulators on an ever-increasing basis are concludingthat to manage the systemic risk that exists to the financialsystem, giving full freedom to the institutions is not somethingthat is acceptable, said Chris Roebuck, a visiting professorat Cass Business School.
Serious lapses of potentially both risk management andleadership have occurred, and in the final analysis somebodymust be held responsible, said Chris Roebuck, a visitingprofessor at the Cass Business school in London. To not tohave taken rapid action would have been perceived both byinvesto
Date: Oct 05, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
UBS Loss Leaves 'Saint Ossie' Gruebel Contemplating Tinier Investment Bank
The investigation should go down the chain and establishwhere the fault lies, said Chris Roebuck, visiting professorat the Cass Business School in London. To call for theresignation of Gruebel and the head of the investment bank isabsolutely premature.
Date: Sep 22, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
Abodoli charged with fraud in UBS rogue trading case
Chris Roebuck, visiting professor at Cass Business School in London, said: Why did the systems not spot this beforeit got totally out of control?This is a key question the risk systems managers must answer. ... He must have found a way round the systems to get this far into debt.
Date: Sep 16, 2011
Source: Google
ESTO 2022 - Chris Roebuck Clicktivated
Chris Roebuck CEO of Clicktivated stops by to talk about what the tech...
13m 56s
LabVIEW Champion Interviews Part 1- Chris Ro...
Welcome to the Interview with LabVIEW Champions Series. In this interv...
59m 1s
Chris Roebuck on Innovation
Chris Roebuck - Keynote Speaker | London Spea...
Chris Roebuck - Inspirational Speakers
Chris Roebuck - an innovative, entrepreneurial and highly effective sp...
4m 41s
Transformational leadership - Unleashing your...
In this uncertain and ever changing world its too easy as a leader or ...