If we are to conserve or restore [coral reefs], we need to understand coral health what drives tolerance and how can we promote it, Caroline Palmer, visiting research fellow at the University of Plymouth and author of the paper, writes in a press release. If you have a strong immune system, and
Date: Jul 09, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
'An awful secret' — A Minnesota family's struggle to be heard
"It's definitely to their benefit ... to see if there's a newer case that is prosecutable," said Caroline Palmer, public and legal affairs manager of the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. "Sometimes it's helpful for people, even if it is too late."
Date: Apr 15, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Beat Deafness Explains Why Some People Can't Dance Or Clap To A Beat
"If you presented with a five percent change in the rate of the metronome, the great majority in the general population will hear it and respond to it. People are pretty adept at it," said Caroline Palmer, the lead author of the study.
In a study conducted by researchers of University of Montreal and McGill University led by Caroline Palmer, she worked with two beat-deaf people named Marjorie and Mathieu, as well as 32 individuals who then served as the control group and represented the general population. Their task was to mimic
While most people can adapt their rhythms in response to an external cue, some people are less able to do that, said McGill psychology professor Caroline Palmer. We tested what makes beat-deaf individuals different, by seeing how people whose biological rhythms may not respond normally to externa
Date: Nov 11, 2014
Category: Health
Source: Google
Can't feel the beat when you try to dance? You are 'beat deaf'
Caroline Palmer, a McGill psychology professor, explained that for this research they examined beat tracking in all the individuals who complained of difficulty following a beat in everyday activities like listening to music and dancing. Beat tracking is the ability to find a regular pulse and move