DPS-US Nashville, TN 2008 to 2012 Vice-President, Operations / Electrical EngineerDIVERSIFIED PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS Nashville, TN 2002 to 2008 Office Administrator / Electrical EngineerHACKETT PRECISION COMPANY Nashville, TN 1997 to 2002 Systems Administrator Assistant / Electrical EngineerTENNSCO CORPORATION Dickson, TN 1991 to 1997 Production Control / SchedulerGOODLARK MEDICAL CENTER Dickson, TN 1989 to 1991 Computer Operator
NASHVILLE STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Nashville, TN 1997 to 2010 A.S. in Electrical EngineeringDICKSON COUNTY SENIOR HIGH Dickson, TN 1977 to 1989 High School Diploma