I read Christian books: BREAK THE SURFACE by BRICE GREATHOUSE. Because I am a youth minister I read magazines for substance on youth and world issues (i.e. US News, Teen People ...
"Walking In Strength and Courage, not Fear" -...
7/22 - 9:30am Service Pastor discusses the Word of Gods and our promis...
25m 28s
Encouragement getting into your anointing, fr...
We wired to put our trust in Jesus to stay in the anointing, spacious ...
1m 4s
Pastor Brice Greathouse
Roll Back Declaration.
27m 53s
Encouragement #4 with Brice Greathouse and Jo...
"You will be surprised what is inside of you." "You are more than a co...
5m 21s
Encouragement #3 with Brice Greathouse and Jo...
Encouragement #3 with Brice Greathouse and Jonathan Hanson "You have b...
3m 24s
Encouragement #1 with Brice Greathouse and Jo...
"We are Agents of Change." We are bringing encouragement and hopefully...
4m 20s
Encouragement #2 with Brice Greathouse and Jo...
"What you see is not what it really is," "We speak what isn't as thoug...
2m 4s
"Restoring the Years" 9/7/21 - 10:00am - Past...
Pastor Brice Greathouse brings a spirit-word that will reinvigorate wi...