
Brian R Spies


from McKinney, TX

Brian Spies Phones & Addresses

  • McKinney, TX
  • Plano, TX
  • 140 Catalpa Rd, Wilton, CT 06897
  • Ridgefield, CT


Brian Spies Photo 1

Army Sales At Hewlett-Packard

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United States
Brian Spies Photo 2

Brian Spies

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Us Patents

  • Transient Electromagnetic Method For Detecting Irregularities On Conductive Containers

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  • US Patent:
    49908510, Feb 5, 1991
  • Filed:
    Jan 4, 1990
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 2790
    G01R 3312
    G01B 710
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A transient electromagnetic method for detecting irregularities on container walls by measuring wall thickness. The method utilizes a transmitting antenna and a separate receiving antenna arranged in a loop-loop configuration. The transmitting antenna induces current into the container wall and the receiving antenna and the receiver detect the decay of the induced current, which is then analyzed to detect wall thickness. A receiving antenna array of many receiving antennas is used to increase the spatial resolution. Simultaneous measurement of the induced current by the receiving antennas reduces noise that is coherent across the array. Use of a noise antenna located so as to be unaffected by the transmitting antenna further reduces noise. The received signal from the receiving antenna array is displayed on a two-dimensional display in a spatial arrangement that corresponds to the spatial arrangement of the receiving antennas. The display can be scrolled over the time range of the received signals to produce a moving image, so that irregular areas can be more easily detected than with a static display.
  • Method Of Reducing Noise In A Borehole Electromagnetic Telemetry System

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  • US Patent:
    49806823, Dec 25, 1990
  • Filed:
    Jul 31, 1989
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    James D. Klein - Lucas TX
    Brian R. Spies - Plano TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01V 100
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A borehole telemetry system has a transmitter located in the borehole, a surface receiver, and surface signal sensors for receiving the transmitted signal. There are usually plural sources of electromagnetic noise at a well site which degrade the usefulness of the telemetry system. The method places noise sensors where the reception of noise is maximized. Simultaneous measurements are taken of the ambient noise with the noise sensors and the signal sensors. The relationship between the measurements of the noise and signal sensors is determined. The transmitted signal is then received by the signal sensors and simultaneous measurements of the ambient noise are made by the noise sensors. The noise portion of the transmitted signal as received by the signal sensors is determined from the simultaneous noise measurements and the determined relationship. A received signal having reduced noise is then produced by removing the noise portion.
  • Method And Apparatus For Cancelling Powerline Noise In Geophysical Electromagnetic Exploration

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  • US Patent:
    49964844, Feb 26, 1991
  • Filed:
    Dec 29, 1988
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    H01Q 2300
    G01V 308
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    The present invention is used to cancel a narrow band noise of know frequency, such as 60 Hz noise generated by powerlines, in electromagnetic receiving equipment. A cancelling antenna is wrapped around the sensing antenna of the electromagnetic receiver equipment. The cancelling antenna is provided with an alternating current signal of the same frequency as the ambient powerline noise. The cancelling antenna produces an electromagnetic field that is 180 degrees out of phase and of equal amplitude to the ambient powerline noise, as measured by the sensing antenna. The alternating current is produced by a noise antenna, a phase-locked loop and an amplifier. The noise antenna receives the ambient powerline noise, the phase-locked loop locks onto and tracks the frequency of the noise, and the amplifier provides the necessary amplification.
  • Method Of Reducing Noise In Electromagnetic Geophysical Exploration Data

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  • US Patent:
    48375144, Jun 6, 1989
  • Filed:
    Jul 14, 1988
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01V 308
    G01V 310
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A method for reducing noise in electromagnetic geophysical exploration data simultaneously measures three orthogonal components of the ambient noise to produce noise records and simultaneously measures three orthogonal components of the decay of current induced into the earth to produce response records. In measuring the records, the receiving antenna is positioned near the electromagnetic center of the transmitting antenna, whereby the maximum component of the induced current decay signal is vertical or perpendicular to the strata in the earth. The impulse response of the earth is determined from the noise records. The noise portion of the vertical response record is determined from the impulse response and the non-vertical response records, whereby the noise portion is removed from the vertical response record.
  • Method Of Reducing Impulsive Noise In Electromagnetic Geophysical Data

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  • US Patent:
    49453092, Jul 31, 1990
  • Filed:
    Aug 14, 1989
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - Plano TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01V 300
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A method for reducing impulsive noise in electromagnetic geophysical data utilizes a receiving antenna and one or more noise sensors. The type of noise sensor used depends on the type of impulsive noise which is to be monitored. Motion noise is monitored with a tilt meter or similar motion sensor. Impulsive electromagnetic noise is monitored with an electric or magnetic field sensor which is located so as to receive impulsive noise while minimizing the reception of the electromagnetic signal of interest. Impulsive noise is monitored without the electromagnetic signal of interest for a short period of time to enable the determination of a threshold noise value. Then, the impulsive noise is monitored simultaneously with the electromagnetic signal of interest, wherein the impulsive noise is received by the noise sensor and the signal of interest is received by the receiving antenna. The output of the noise sensor is used to determine the occurrence of impulsive noise in the output of the receiving antenna, wherein the impulsive noise portion of the signal record can be deleted.
  • Transient Electromagnetic Method For Directly Detecting Corrosion On Conductive Containers

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  • US Patent:
    48395935, Jun 13, 1989
  • Filed:
    Dec 17, 1987
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 2782
    G01R 3312
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    There is disclosed a method for directly detecting corrosion on the walls of conductive containers wherein a transmitting antenna induces a current into a portion of the container wall and the decay of the induced current is detected by a receiving antenna, with a record of the decay of the induced current being created. The record is interpreted to determine the presence or absence of a corrosion component, with the corrosion component being caused by the presence of corrosion products having superparamagnetic properties.
  • Transient Electromagnetic Method For Detecting Corrosion On Conductive Containers

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  • US Patent:
    48433209, Jun 27, 1989
  • Filed:
    Dec 17, 1987
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield Company - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 2782
    G01R 3312
    G01B 710
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    There is disclosed a method for detecting corrosion on the walls of conductive containers wherein a transmitting antenna induces a current into a portion of the container wall and the decay of the induced current is detected by a receiving antenna, with a record of the decay of the induced current being created. The record is interpreted to determine the thickness of the container wall portion and the presence or absence of corrosion is inferred. One method of interpretation uses reference records from container walls having known parameters for comparison. Another method of interpretation examines the times that the induced current reaches the container wall portion surface that is farthest from the antennas.
  • Transient Electromagnetic Method For Detecting Irregularities On Conductive Containers

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  • US Patent:
    49298984, May 29, 1990
  • Filed:
    Dec 29, 1988
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Brian R. Spies - McKinney TX
  • Assignee:
    Atlantic Richfield - Los Angeles CA
  • International Classification:
    G01N 2790
    G01R 3312
    G01B 710
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A transient electromagnetic method for detecting irregularities on container walls by measuring wall thickness. The method utilizes a transmitting antenna and a separate receiving antenna arranged in a loop-loop configuration. The transmitting antenna induces current into the container wall and the receiving antenna and the receiver detect the decay of the induced current, which is then analyzed to detect wall thickness. A receiving antenna array of many receiving antennas is used to increase the spatial resolution. Simultaneous measurement of the induced current by the receiving antennas reduces noise that is coherent across the array. Use of a noise antenna located so as to be unaffected by the transmitting antenna further reduces noise. The received signal from the receiving antenna array is displayed on a two-dimensional display in a spatial arrangement that corresponds to the spatial arrangement of the receiving antennas. The display can be scrolled over the time range of the received signals to produce a moving image, so that irregular areas can be more easily detected than with a static display.


Family guy - Brian spies on people part 01

  • Duration:
    1m 24s

The Art of Play | Brian Spies | TEDxWilliamsp...

Brian James Spies has a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art from Lycoming C...

  • Duration:
    14m 3s

Family Guy - Brian spying

  • Duration:
    4m 50s

Brian Spies Lifesaver Story

Turning a near tragedy into a triumph for a community; Save a Heart- h...

  • Duration:
    3m 34s

Artist Talk | Brian Spies

Brian James Spies was born and lives in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Th...

  • Duration:
    9m 28s

A Spy Movie - FULL MOVIE

Written, Directed and Edited by Stephanie Koenig. Enjoy! REUPLOADED AT...

  • Duration:
    1h 23m 11s



Brian Spies Photo 11

Brian Spies Photos Myspa...

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Brian Spies Photo 12

Brian Spies

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Camp Albertshof, Hohenfels


Brian Spies Photo 13

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 14

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 15

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 16

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 17

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 18

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 19

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 20

Brian Spies

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Brian Spies Photo 21

Brian Spies


Gunned Down Pgfd Firefighter Remembered As 'Valiant' By Colleagues

Gunned down PGFD firefighter remembered as 'valiant' by colleagues

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  • Hurt. Devastation. Its painful. Just like everyone in the fire service, his family, all of us are going through our own grieving process, said Landover Hills Volunteer Fire Station Captain, Brian Spies. Spies told WUSA9 he was a good friend of Ulmschneiders.
  • Date: Apr 18, 2016
  • Category: U.S.
  • Source: Google

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