Medtronic Brain Therapies - Neurosurgery
Regional Sales Director - Medtronic Surgical Technologies
Medtronic Brain Therapies - Neurosurgery Aug 2007 - May 2012
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Depuy Orthopaedics A Johnson & Johnson Company 2004 - 2007
Technical Sales Manager
Stryker 2002 - 2004
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Ikon Office Solutions 2000 - 2002
Copier and Fax Machine Sales Representative
The University of Kansas 1995 - 1999
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Journalism
Surgeons Capital Equipment Operating Room Neurosurgery Market Development Disposables Medical Devices Orthopedic Product Launch Sales Operations Sales Orthopedics Neurology Sales Management Ent Hospitals Cardiac Surgery Cardiology Oncology Operating Room Sales Sales Force Development General Awesomeness
Brett Schoenfeld, an assistant professor of exercise science at CUNY Lehman College and a former competitive body builder, said, It isnt common, but Ive known people who have done this. Its certainly talked about quite a bit on the bodybuilding forums on the Internet.
isnt common, but Ive known people who have done this. Its certainly talked about quite a bit on the bodybuilding forums on the Internet, said Brett Schoenfeld, a former competitive body builder and now an assistant professor of exercise science at CUNY Lehman College in New York City.
Date: Feb 17, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
The Catalyst to Hypertrophy with Dr. Brad Sch...
How does being sore after a workout contribute to your success? How ca...
1h 15m 32s
Science of Growth, Hypertrophy and Building M...
Barbell Shrugged helps people get better. Usually in the gym, but outs...
46m 35s
Dr. Brad Schoenfeld: Resistance Training for ...
Dr. Schoenfeld is a professor at Lehman College in the Bronx, in New Y...
2h 3s
Facts and Fallacies of Fat Loss, with Brad Sc...
Brad Schoenfeld discusses what personal trainers can do to help their ...
50m 34s
BRAD SCHOENFELD: Mechanisms of Hypertrophy, R...
Brad Schoenfeld is a world leader in hypertrophy science. Here we disc...
55m 44s
Scientific Pull Workout with Brad Schoenfeld
Yes we have the one and only Brad Schoenfeld PhD in the house. Brad wi...